Howdy partner.
They brought her the pumpkins they painted the night before.
Dahlia had a birthday, that seems to be neverending as gifts come from all corners of the country. I keep trying to tell Gregory that when it's his Birthday everyone will make just as much of a fuss. Don't make a liar out me!
We got her this sweet little outdoor table set.
Rest in peace Ray. You will be missed by many.
Christmas was long this year and big, so this post will also be long...and it's pictures will be BIG.
Day one.
Christmas Eve.
I moved the tree to this table and set up the train around it that night when we got home. Luckily I had already wrapped presents because I was pooped. But it was a marathon not a sprint...
Day two. Christmas.
Barry's mother joined us for presents Christmas morning.
The kids got a Leap Frog Tag Junior and little kiddie digital cameras.
Then it was off to Josh and Julie's for a huge Christmas dinner and all around shin-dig. Bumpa's tuna fish dip has Gregory's double dipping seal of approval.
This wasn't a present but Dahlia was having such a blast rocking out like "Hannah on Tanna"
Then Christmas exploded. I don't know who gave what but thanks for everything.
Day Three. Even MY excitement for the holiday was waning at this point.
Day three brought dinner at Mom and Bill's and more presents.
Then I raced home and put the kids in bed for Barry and took the baby to a Yankee swap at a friend's. I think at this point I'm just punishing myself to see how much Christmas I shove down my own throat until I resemble the fat man from Monty Python's Meaning of Life before his wafer mint.
This is just a little place for me to put pictures of, and stories about my life taking care of my three, THREE? I have 3 kids... i need a nap.