Friday, October 22, 2010

October so far...

Happy October!

New in the Viprino household; Gregory has started potty training. A little later than Dahlia, but I feel like he's finally ready.I gave him this real estate magazine and he asked me if I had anything with cars in it.
He settled for a home theater one, and told me he wanted all the phones (remotes controls).

And then my little miss turned one last week.
I think everyone should be this much in awe of a tray of cupcakes.

Mom Tip # 42: Q-tips are great for getting frosting out of baby's noses.

This was a cute crown/card from Grandma and Grandpa Bill. They had us over for a delicous dinner and the carrot cupcakes you just saw.

Dahlia and Gregory were only too happy to help Imogen open her presents. And she was only too happy to let them.

This sweater was Gregory's and now it fits Iggy. And it matches her adorable new boots from Auntie Lindsay and Uncle Patrick. Thanks guys.

She's started pushing Greggy's car toy around the grass when we go outside.
Happy Birthday my little baby girl. You really are becoming your own little person I love watching it.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


My kids are getting huge. Maybe they grew a lot this Spring/Summer but I think it might have just happened overnight. I'm having the water tested.
Let's start with the baby.
She's mastered feeding herself. And she'll eat anything!

She plays like a big kid. That means throwing toys everywhere!
She giggles a lot.
She got a new sippy cup yesterday. Starting to phase out the bottle.
She even has her own sense of style. It's a little "Flock of Seagulls", but she works it.
Now for the boy...
He's already a little bean pole. His doctor says he'll be tall and lean.
He loves playing baseball outside and insists we all call him "Good Papi".
He loves his sisters, but is still very much a boy. I sometimes wonder if I'll ever understand him. But I love him just the same. He's such a little gentleman. He insists on kissing me on both cheeks. How very European.
Maybe it' just the turtleneck... doesn't he look taller?

And last but not least my first born...

She loves to practice her letters everyday. I'm convinced she'll have taught herself to read by the time Kindergarten starts next fall. She looks so Grecian with her curls.