Last week Barry and the kids met up with a friend of ours with a little boy Dahlia's age at Bonker's. It's an indoor play place, and they had a Halloween party day. They had crafts for the kids. The baby and I stayed home, while the big kids got pushed around by bigger kids. I think we'll skip that scene next year.
I couldn't tell you what they're making, because it never made it home.
Gregory was not interested in a costume that day.
Friday we went to the Halloween party at Ocean Edge. It's just down the street, it only cost $3 per person and it was catered by Starbucks. Hello!
That day Barry's mother had found Gregory the perfect costume. For those of you just now emerging from your rock, he's Woody the cowboy from the Toy Story movies. Imogen is a chicken and Dahlia is a "Barbie princess" She kept correcting people all weekend.
They painted pumpkins, made bracelets and watched a magic show. This is our second year going to this event and we'll probably keep doing it. The kids had a blast, and parents watched their kids, which happens less at indoor play places.
This is how much he loved that outfit.
Saturday we went to see Nana and show her the kids' costumes.
Howdy partner.
They brought her the pumpkins they painted the night before.
After we visited we ran to the grocery store and saw that they were having a little activities table for kids and a costume contest. Since we were there and they were already dressed up we hung out for a bit. No pictures of that though.

And then there was Halloween. We swung by my mom's to say "hi" and so her and Bill could see the kids (minus a sleeping baby in the car). Then we met up with Barry's brother and we went around their neighborhood with some of their friends and their kids. It was wicked cold and windy that night so the baby and I turned back early, but Barry stayed out with the kids. They had fun, got a good haul and I've been eating it all ever since.
Happy Halloween Everybody!!