I know it's been a few weeks since Christmas. But we got a package in the mail from my brother and sister in law, with presents for us and the kids. So I
remembered to take pictures of all the other gifts they got that weren't in the original
Christmas post. (
oooh my first link.)
When we came back from Nana and
Bumpa's after Christmas we had a box waiting for us from Linda, John, and Cheri. Here's Gregory with a little car. The head lights light up and it makes engine noises. Very neat. I also like that it's soft rubber. He also got a dog that rolls and sings. They have a snail that is the same but I don't know where it is.

Here's Dahlia with her new favorite purse. She keeps her sunglasses in there. I would just like to point out that I don't own a purse or sunglasses and I'm a little
jealous that my two year old is cooler than me. Also she has a Snap & Style Pet named Cheri. (yes Cheri Dahlia still remembers who you are). There was also a
My Little Pony, but Dahlia
decided it made a good car toy so I didn't go get it for the purpose of this picture. I'm lazy. I know.

The day after we got back Barry took the kids to his Aunt's. I got a lot of repacking done around here, and there was an 80's movie marathon on TV. They gave the kids their first
Chanukah gifts and Barry brought me home some more of Aunt Dee's yummy cooking. I think I have all her
tupper ware at this point. Gregory got some connectible planes, trains, and automobiles. A big hit with both kids. And a variety of little trucks, dump, ice cream, tow, ect.

Dahlia got a Snap and Style baby that I was storing until I could pack away some of the older toys, but I had to open for her once she saw it again. She still thinks taking a bath is a special treat. I tell her at the end of the night that if she cleans up all the toys she can take a bath and brush her teeth. So she really likes giving a bath to the little baby. There is also a dog grooming toy, with two dogs, and a carrier. I think some rubber duckies are going to get retired, so I can open some more Christmas toys for them.

Last but not least, the package from Uncle Ben, Aunt Kellie, Amelia, and Liam. The kids both got two shirts, a pair of pants, a book and a toy. Gregory loves his little trains and I read him the book a few times too. He just didn't want to sit still for the photo. Sorry little buddy. That's why I put him in the cabinet for the other pictures. I know he likes it in there.

Dahlia loves her shirts. She was pretend reading her books to Gregory as soon as she opened them. Barry took a video of the kids and I opening all the presents from Ben and Kellie but it was too long and blogger couldn't handle it. I don't have any software to edit the videos. Dahlia also got a little Doodle Pro. I don't think she's put it down except to eat and sleep.

They sent some yummy Apply Butter and Strawberry Preserves that Kellis makes. And very nice gift cards for Barry and I, Barnes and Nobel for him and Michael's for me. They're having a 70% sale on yarn. THANK YOU!!!!! I will be sure to post what ever we end up getting.
Thank you everyone very much.