Monday, January 26, 2009

Art exchange & paper towel massacre

I have already posted this on facebook and myspace... I'm just trying to get the bloggy crowd too, so I can be overwhelmed with projects I have to finish. So if you've already responded to one of the other posts I have made regarding this little game, disregard. You're already getting something :)

The first TEN people to respond to this post will get something made by me.

This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:-

  • What I create will be just for you.

  • It'll be done and delivered this year(2009).
  • You have no clue what it's going to be. It may be a mix CD. It may be a scarf or hat. I may make you a book or journal. I might bake you something* and hand-deliver/mail it to you. Who knows? Not you, that's for sure!
  • I reserve the right to do something extremely unique.

  • THE BIG CONDITION: you must post this in your facebook/blog/whatever so that ten people can respond to you! It's like a big chain letter that you actually benefit from (and not in an impossible "your crush will kiss you tomorrow" way). So don't reply unless you also want to make something for ten other people!
I know a butt load of artsy people so step up and lets create and share.

Today a tragedy beset our household. In a moment of weakness I decided to go to use the lady's room all by myself. In the absence of supervision, Gregory took out his groggy frustration on an unsuspecting roll of paper towels. BEHOLD THE CARNAGE!!!!

I had to look away...only to see him, just trying to wipe the baby's bottom.

He's a good kid. He just lost his way.


Anonymous said...

It's a great idea but I don't know 10 artsy people so I won't be participating. I want to hear about your progress though.

It sounds like quite a project!!

Love - Mom

Meredith said...
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