Dahlia's very excited because I let her help (read stir) for the first time. So she is very anxious to see how they come out.
Then later that day I made a yummy roast with potatoes and onions. We need a baster to keep these things at their juiciest, but it was still very good, and the left overs were even better.
I call this series, topless/laundry day block building. Just the usual stuff we do to fill up our day. 

A mini day trip. We went to go check on our broke down van. It's still in the parking lot where we left it. We got the kids some donut holes on the way to keep everyone happy, and so Daddy could get some coffee. Here's Gregory's sugar-puss.

They both reached for the same block but Dahlia is quicker. Sorry Greggy it's survival of the fittest in this house.
A little "My friends Tigger and Pooh" in the background to set the mood.
Oh jeeze. Time to put down the camera and break it up before someone gets hit in the head with a block. It kind of looks like Pooh looked up from what he was doing when she screamed.
"Oh Bother"
A mini day trip. We went to go check on our broke down van. It's still in the parking lot where we left it. We got the kids some donut holes on the way to keep everyone happy, and so Daddy could get some coffee. Here's Gregory's sugar-puss.
We felt the kids deserved a little out of the car time so we stopped at Toy's R Us on the way home. We got Dahlia some new sunglasses, because Gregory broke another pair. And because Daddy wants everything to be equal Greggy got his own pair too. But I've laid down stricter rules so hopefully they will last longer this time.

Looks like so much fun is happening...
topless laundry day
muffins in the oven
new sunglasses
Where does the fun stop???
At 4:00 when daddy isn't home yet, and Dahlia hasn't napped. That's when the fun leaves for the day.
Maybe fun is taking a nap!!
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